The roto-rooter for the soul

Jose Luis

Jose Luis

This is from Lessons of the Inca Shamans Part 2: Beyond the Veil, coming out in early 2014.

The medicine people from Bolivia look at the body of a person like a hydraulic system. They believe that you just need to move energy. They find the places where the river of light is backed up, where there is nothing flowing. They go at it with a big roto-rooter or plungers and get it moving in a non-personal way.
–Jose Luis

I love the roto-rooter image.

Lessons of the Inca Shamans Part 2 describes Deborah Bryon’s fourth initiatory journey to Peru. For information about her first three journeys we have the website Lessons of the Inca Shamans.

Jose Luis is the man she met at her first class on Q’ero shamanism. He has been a leader and adviser for Deborah throughout her journeys.


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